LocationThe Northern Lights Planetarium Show is located at Perlan.
TimingsThe Northern Lights Planetarium Show stays open daily from 9 am to 10 pm. The last time for admission is at 9 pm.
How to Get ThereYou can reach the Northern Lights Planetarium Show by boarding the buses from line numbers 1 and 18.
Best time to VisitThe Northern Lights Planetarium Show is operational throughout the day. You can book any slot of your choice in advance and visit according to your convenience. It is recommended that you visit the Planetarium early in the morning as soon as it opens. The crowds are less in the morning.
Do I need to book Northern Lights Planetarium Show Tickets in advance?
Yes, it is recommended that you book the Northern Lights Planetarium Show Tickets in advance. You will skip the line access which will help you save time. There will be no last minute rush of tickets getting sold out. You will also be eligible to get good deals and discounts if you pre book your tickets online. You will be able to have a hassle free experience if you purchase your tickets well in advance.
What would be the operating hours for the Northern Lights Planetarium Show?
The operating hours of the Northern Lights Planetarium Show is from 9 am to 10 pm every day. The last time to get admission is at 9 pm.
How long does it take to explore the Northern Lights Planetarium Show?
It takes around 30 minutes to one hour to explore the Northern Lights Planetarium Show.
Is the price for Northern Lights Planetarium Show tickets the same for everyone?
No, the price for Northern Lights Planetarium Show tickets are not the same for everyone. Children of the age 15 years old and below will be charged around 14 US Dollars for the tickets. Adults of the age 16 years old and above will be charged around 28 US Dollars for the tickets.
Why is the Northern Lights Planetarium Show so famous?
The Northern Lights Planetarium Show or the Aurora is the first interactive planetarium film ever. This show has been very well designed and brings together some of the best writers, photographers and music in Iceland. You will get to learn more about the formation of Iceland. You will also get to hear some folktales about the northern lights. Learn more about the science behind the lights and even about the northern lights on Jupiter and Saturn. You will get to see stunning footage of the Aurora Borealis. It is a unique interactive, educational and informative experience.